SEEIA Connect | Securing Economic and Entrepreneurial Initiatives in Africa


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SEEIA Connect

Securing Economic and Entrepreneurial Initiatives in Africa (SEEIA connect) is an organisation birthed by African Diasporas to educate one another and bring to light the economic challenges and investment opportunities on the continent, and how we can bring about a sustainable solution to drive the economy of the continent forward.

Africa is the second largest continent in the world, with a population of around 1.4 billion and comprising about 60 percent youths, by 2050, the population is projected to almost double in size to 2.5 billion. The continent has gifted and talented young and equally older people, but despite the huge Human Resources and capability to harness the natural resources that abound on the continent, Afri ca has ins tead continued to experience a setback over the past decades. The prominent scourge been the failures, mistakes and incompetence on the part of elected public sector ofcials, culminating in a massive migration of skilled professionals from the continent.

Seeia Connect About Seeia COnnect Meet Us

Our Mission

Our Values









Bridging the Gap

Leveraging Diaspora Expertise to Drive Africa's Progress

While Africa is being deprived of the services and sacrifice of these great minds, on the other hand, about 170 million African migrants live in different parts of the world, achieving great feats, breaking new grounds, trailblazing and standing out in different professions. The exodus of skilled emigrants from the continent over the years has led to a low human and economic capital development, a massive brain drain and huge knowledge gap.

SEEIA connect is dedicated to working with African leaders, private organisations and other partners of interest to identify and proffer solutions to the needs of the continent. SEEIA  connect  is  a  network of global African diaspora community that  is dedicated to supporting the development of  the continent.  A  people committed to the growth  of  Africa.  This vision and principle will be passed from generation to generation.

Seeia Connect About more

The organization will have a Business Hub where entrepreneurs making the difference in Africa will enlighten Diasporas about opportunities to explore, identify and address constraints, and create business goals based on future projections.

These entrepreneurs will also comprise diasporas already investing in Africa and thriving despite all odds. The end goal of this initiative is to create a synergy and raise investors for capital intensive projects, through adequate information and access to investment opportunities, business plans, investment tools and portfolios.

Having a clear understanding of the problems faced by Diasporas trying to invest in their home countries, SEEIA connect will create a structure that will enable Diaspora conduct business activities safely in Africa, by building a database of strictly vetted skilled and semi-skilled work force, professionals and artisans with proven track record of their achievements and consistency in their craft. These will also include suppliers of goods, services and materials, with competitive prices to enable Diaspora investors make best choices through informed decisions.

Armed with this database of skilled workforce, we will seek to foster collaboration and knowledge transfer across the continent, partnering with education providers across the globe to train, especially the artisans and develop their skills to a global competitive level. This will enhance quality infrastructure development and increase efficiency in industrial and capital construction projects.

The organisation will also support small businesses, especially in areas of Agriculture through our project financing and management services. We will create a model to finance and manage businesses and projects identified to be sustainable and profitable, and in turn create jobs for the youths.

Under this initiative, we will not only finance projects, but we will also conduct research to develop a more effective and productive alternatives to current states and methods of operation. An example of such is our research and development team partnering with renowned biologists and agricultural scientists in tertiary institutions, to develop new breeds of crops, including cash crops that will meet the demands of feeding the continent come 2050, and increase sources of export revenue.

We will also invest on food processing and storage systems, and export to other nations outside the continent. As we gather momentum and consolidate our resource base, we will diversify and develop innovations in other sectors of the economy, but it is paramount to have a lasting solution on how to feed the continent.

The efforts we put into developing the continent will not have a fulfilling outcome without impacting the children, therefore we will develop a brain circulation initiative targeted at educating African children from early years.

Early childhood education is not just about the impartation of formal education, it is a holistic effort towards creating the right mindset from the onset by providing basic and appropriate opportunities to the children, they will learn moral ethics alongside quality education, which will help them become supportive members of the society.

Early childhood education is a strategy to eradicate poverty in the long term, as job creation for the youths is a short-term remedy. Nurturing and developing the skills of children in artificial intelligence and programming is an idea we can look into, by teaching, training and providing computer centres for continuous learning until they are employable globally.

Whatever actions and initiatives to be taken will be determined through thorough research and deliberation with subject matter experts, with provision of scholarships and building schools definitely an integral part of our education initiatives.

Building a Better Africa

Building a better Africa begins with ensuring the people have access to basic requirements such as food and shelter to survive and sustain life. Food insecurity has become a major problem for the continent and it's a matter of urgency that we find a solution that is sustainable and affordable to put food on the table for everyone in Africa. It is not a leadership responsibility alone rather we must collectively work together to eradicate this plague threatening the lives of millions in Africa. Join us on our quest to engage more youths in Agriculture and partner with visionary farmers to increase food production. We are ready to play our part, Are You?

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we've funded 0ver 100 projects for 500k people around Africa